National Fitness Hall of Fame Museum & Institute

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The Terrible 2s - By The Sports Doctor, Dr. Robert Weil, DPM


Some caution is always sensible when you're starting an exercise program, or just adding to it or pushing to the next level. So many people overdo it & end up dealing with any number of injuries.


The terrible 2s are a great example! Doing 2 much, pushing 2 far or adding 2 much! The epidemic of overuse injuries are often related to these examples. Foot problems like plantar fasciitis (arch & heel) are common with runners that have fallen into those terrible 2s. Knee problems, shin splints are other examples. General rule of thumb for progression is not to add more than 10% increase per month in intensity, duration, distance to your walking or running schedule or other workout routine. This is SO OFTEN ignored & can result in injuries.

Paying attention to proper shoes, regardless of your activity is crucial- over 75% of athletes are not fit correctly- that's an amazing stat! Wearing the right shoe for your foot type also key!

Let's face it- fitness & wellness goals need to be sensible & safe. Gradual progress & consistency are needed to stay injury free- Keep your eye on those terrible 2s & "stay in the game!